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Nicole's Planning Story

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

How did we get here? Let's go back, way back, back into time.

Elementary school me loved school. And the best part of a new school year was shopping, not clothes but school supplies! I remember my Lisa Frank years, trapper binders, and the 5 star multi subject notebook phase. I collected stickers, and had a reusable sticker book. Freshman Year of high school ALL my supplies were Sanrio Batz-maru. It was serious, everything had to match. Every time we were in a mall my mother would be so annoyed because she knew we had to stop in Sanrio. If you knew me in college you would know I was a good note taker and my pen was a purple Pentel RSVP. They are still my favorite ballpoint pens.I remember thinking back then that it was so odd that pens and notebooks brought me so much joy.

Now let's talk planners, I had them all. The white plastic spiral bound ones the school and programs gave you at the start of the year, classic 6 ring, a stint with a palm pilot. I would put everything in my planner and I loved it, I flips through and just admire it. I would re-write things if I didn't like how they came out. I was all about that planner life, without knowing it was a thing.

Fast forward now through a lot of adult life, demanding jobs, starting a business on the side that morphed into full time self employment, a husband, step-kids, a baby, a lot of happy times times, and some really hard times. Somehow with the rise of smartphones that could "do everything", my iPhone, an Outlook calendar for work and a Tul Disc Bound notebook was how I was managing. It was working, I guess...barely.

But I was adding another thing to my plate, that i didn't know at the time would transform my life. I was diving into to ecommerce. You know, you need a side hustle to the side hustle. Tried dropshipping and selling some stuff I didn't really care about. Needed to revamp this effort but get also get organized. I had shopped Etsy for many different things, my wedding, baby shower, house stuff etc and one day I typed into the Etsy search "planner", it was like a whole world opened up and a joyful feeling I forgot about returned, and I dove straight in.

Within a couple weeks, I changed my ecommerce site, started sourcing planner products, came across some HP products from a local craft store that was liquidating, bought them all. Opened my Etsy shop, and started getting sales, and loving the process of putting together bundles and fulfilling orders. Couple months after that, changed the name of my Etsy store and this site to, entered the IG planner community, found my planning style (minimal-ish), started seeking planner peace, expanded to multiple planners and found a tribe. Started designing and crafting unique things to offer.

- Imi & Cole

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